Once again, the pile of books to be read is growing instead of receding; I'm almost afraid to list them all, so I won't today. Near the top, however, is Dave Weinberger's newest, Everything is Miscellaneous, which is receiving plenty of chatter in blogville. Among the comments are these from Peter Merholz on the Adaptive Path blog:
21st century work is going to have to be much more synthetic,
mixed-up, and uncertain, largely because of the forces that Weinberger
points to in his book.
I think it[base ']s a key reason why experience designers have had such a hard time defining their work. It escapes definition.
And you know what, that[base ']s a good sign.
As Bruce Sterling said on his blog (in response to an conversation I had with (gasp!) GK VanPatter):
[base "]this is the enterprise of the future: if you can explain what you are
doing with any conventional terminology, you[base ']ve already been outsourced
to India.[per thou] Which I am happy to take as a good sign, since not a day goes by that I become less able to describe what I do and where exactly I'm going with it. Can't wait to read the book, but the same goes for another dozen waiting in the same pile.
9:07:07 PM