Two blog posts in one day that address Terry Winograd's review of the new design + business program at NWU, one from Don Norman, another from O'Reilly:
Terry Winograd of Stanford's computer science department and wrote a very nice description of our new Design + Operations MMM program at the Kellogg School of Business and Northwestern Engineering. That article is available in Interactions, the magazine for Human Computer Interaction professionals. . . [] And: Teaching design to businesspeople. . . .Andy Oram, in an internal O'Reilly list, pointed us to a fascinating article by Terry (Bringing Design to Software) Winograd of Stanford in the recent Interactions called "Design education for business and engineering management students: a new approach." Winograd reports on the insights that have come to Donald Norman as he has sought new ways to infect nondesigners with design smarts. The author of The Design of Everyday Things and Emotional Design has developed a "design track" in the Master of Manufacturing and Management program at Northwestern. . . [O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies] I mention these posts here not only because the concept is interesting, but because I can take some responsibility for the article: as "(P)Reviews" editor for ACM Interactions, I asked Terry Winograd to write the review of the NWU program. A big thank-you to Terry, Don, and O'Reilly for the great work and recognition.
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