Thursday, July 31, 2003

There’s an interesting discussion over at John Robb’s crib about Dean’s use of the Web and the likelihood that Karl Rove will have it figured out by the election after this one. So let me clarify my statement from Tuesday -- when I said “I bet Bush could raise millions via weblogs,” I meant I bet he could do it IN THIS CAMPAIGN. In fact, I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t. Not by writing his own weblog, which I think he’d be wise to avoid, but by leveraging the support of other weblogs.

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Andrew Sullivan: “It seems clear to me that we are now headed toward a terrible and possibly definitive tempest on the issue of gay equality.”

3:25:53 PM    comment []

The Rhinoceros Times has now published the first four chapters of Orson Scott Card’s new novel, The Crystal City, which will be published in November. The first three of those chapters are available at the cantankerously conservative alternative weekly’s website, with the fourth on the way. Pre-publishing a few teaser chapters has become an important marketing tool for the book industry. Who knew the Rhino was so cutting edge?

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JD Lasica has been following the story of the Topless Tech TV host. We’ve all learned a valuable lesson about Photoshop, and, if JD’s reader comments are correct, about generating hits for your weblog: just put the words “Britney Spears nude” in a post and watch the Google traffic flow.  

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Christopher Lydon posts his interview with InstaPundit Glenn Reynolds.

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