Monday, June 21, 2004

P.J. O'Rourke in The Atlantic (well, in the Pacific, actually....): "From the air Iwo Jima looks as small as it is, a reminder of the insignificance of the great tactical objectives of war."

"In the 'mopping up' on Iwo Jima, 1,071 Marines were killed. This is more Americans than have died in the conquest and occupation of Iraq, with its 168,000 square miles of territory and its army of half a million soldiers—although there's still time."

Read the whole thing.

5:10:57 PM    comment []

Dave Winer says the Democrats may be credentialing bloggers to cover the convention, but they still don't get blogging. "When will they learn, you can't bore the voters and hope to win. Embrace the blogs, it's the last chance this country has for some real politics."

5:01:53 PM    comment []

Hoggard introduces a couple of new Guilford County blogs: Sam's Notes, by the Greensboro Observer writer Sam Heib, and GuilfordGOPNews, by Gerry Goulder.

4:57:57 PM    comment []

Why they fight: this interview with Patrick Graham about his experience with the Iraqi resistance, and his article in Harper's, Beyond Fallujah, make it clear that we are up against a lot more than al Quaeda and dead-enders.

4:48:38 PM    comment []

He said, she said. This Rhino Times story on the Republican primary contest for Register of Deeds is a curious piece of work, full of allegations and rebuttals by the two candidates, but with no outside reporting on whether any or all of the various claims are actually true.

4:43:57 PM    comment []

Dead lines.

4:39:10 PM    comment []