Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Seth Godin warns CEOs not to waste time on blogging.

I don't think he read the post about Michael Dougherty's blog. I sent him an email about it, maybe that's the one he thinks came from a CEO.  

Godin's advice is good in a big bold sweeping statement kind of way, but of limited applicability to any particular CEO by the same token.

3:12:01 PM    comment []

Enjoy the Draft has a new video game for college kids to play.

2:54:13 PM    comment []

This company advertises in every airline magazine I see. And every time I see it I think, what the hell is up with Valenti International?

"Valenti International is the only company of its kind who consistently attracts and produces results for a select worldwide clientele of quality individuals in their quest for a suitable and compatible life partner."

Who writes the stilted copy? Who responds to it? And why all those Dynasty outtake photos of the boss?

2:50:59 PM    comment []

U.S.: Explosives gone when we got there.

Josh Marshall responds.

8:40:14 AM    comment []

Anonymoses says good things are happening in our fair state: "I am pleased to report that North Carolina is on the move....And good people are popping up in both parties...This is a good time to be a Carolinian. We are finally returning to a sort of Mayberry purity. Y'all come back now! Heah?"

8:35:09 AM    comment []

Jay Ovittore kindly called to express his sympathies on the death of cousin Edward. I told him that it was a little weird to see the print version of the obit, because the index listed it as "Cone, Edward," and even though I knew it wasn't me, it, well...

"You saw how it's going to look when it's your turn," said Jay.


8:22:43 AM    comment []