Thursday, April 01, 2004

Slactivist has a great post about child care dollars:

All of this highlights one of the stranger aspects of the work requirements arising from the 1996 welfare reforms. One way of satisfying these work requirements is to get a job in child care. This is a fairly common path for many of the women "moving from welfare to work" in accord with the new requirements. What this means of course is that caring for another woman's child during the day qualifies as "work," but caring for your own child does not.

well put

4:13:20 PM    comment []

Roland just came by the office. He is always interesting  to talk to.  His work is organizing fishing education events. He is putting together a kids fishing training event outside the Twins game on May 10.  The DNR puts on lots of great family events like this.  The schedule for all of these is on the DNR events calendar .   He also told me about two blogs by friends of his: True Life and David Anderson's Lost City.
4:02:37 PM    comment []
the bill is due

When the budget worry beads come out, it is usually about medicare and social security, but another 500 pound gorilla is infrastructure needs, few more pressing and costly than water treatment.   It looks like Atlanta is going first:

A federal judge's ruling that Atlanta's sewer system violates the Federal Clean Water Act prompts the city to begin replacing thousands of miles of sewer pipes. Replacing the pipes, many of which are nearly 100 years old, is expected to cost over $3 billion -- a price to be absorbed primarily by local citizens and businesses.

Yow.  Listen to the All Things Considered piece.

9:10:17 AM    comment []