Saturday, April 17, 2004

maybe a baby coming now

Kate seems to be having contractions.  No toasters have been thrown yet, so I'm not convinced, but it is getting to be time.....

I am just thanking god right now that I put the bathtub back together or I would be in the coldest fleabitten doghouse right now.

9:29:23 PM    comment []
Now I Understand Monetary Policy

Minnesota Public Radio's Marketplace has finding a sitter, a report on why you need a monetary policy expert to run a babysitting coop.  It was very illuminating.

The article mentions a 1978 economics paper titled "Monetary Policy and the Great Capitol Hill Babysitting Crisis"   Basically, there weren't enough coupons in the system to allow people to feel comfortable spending what they had, so no one went out.  The parents in the group who were lawyers decided they needed a rule that required everyone to go out at least once every six months.  That didn't work, so the economists in the group started tinkering with monetary policy....

6:34:12 AM    comment []