Updated: 11/27/09; 8:41:55 AM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Thursday, August 4, 2005

John Cale 2005
A picture named cale.jpgTurn The Lights On. John Cale's new single, which doesn't sound bad at all. In fact, I'm toying with the idea of getting a ticket for his gig on the 30th of September in the Queen Elizabeth Hall. [The Cartoonist]
10:30:29 PM    

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Dolby and Digital Cinema
Dolby gets into digital cinema servers. Scott Kirsner interviewed Dolby Laboratories' Tim Partridge about its move into digital cinema. Hitherto, Dolby had been in the business of delivering high-quality sound, but, it believes that it must get into the image business because digital cinema files will carry uncompressed, original audio. The studios don't want to be beholden to [...] [Cinema Minima: Personal Digital Cinema. News service for movie makers]
6:46:27 PM    

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Christine Anderson - Live Summer Session 2005
A recording of 18 new songs sone LIVE in one take. Check out the music online and then pick up a copy of LIVE SUMMER SESSION 2005 in her online shop. http://www.christineanderson.net/music
7:50:22 AM    

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Yahoo Launches Audio Search
Yahoo Launches Audio Search. Yahoo keeps rolling with new stuff. Tonight it's audio search. From the release: Yahoo! Search is the first major search engine to deliver an audio search product that provides users access to over 50 million audio files from major music services and independent publishers. Yahoo! Audio Search provides access to a variety of audio files including podcasts, music downloads, albums and spoken word such as newscasts, speeches, and interviews, as well as other audio related information including music videos, album reviews, artist images and artists websites.... ... Yahoo! Audio Search’s integration with My Web, Yahoo!’s new social search engine, enables users to save audio searches, creating a personal, searchable Web of favorite audio Web pages. Moreover, My Web users can share their musical tastes with their communities by creating RSS feeds of their saved Web pages. Gary has a complete review here. From that: ...what Yahoo is releasing today is a different. It's a one-stop service (metasearch, sort of) that allows the user to search, find, and access both "open web" audio files (via a Yahoo crawl) along with audio files from numerous music/audio (fee-based) services including Yahoo's own Music Unlimited, iTunes, Napster, Rhapsody, Emusic, GarageBand.com, and other services. Of course, to download these files you'll need to pay. That's right folks, you'll need to pay. Get used to this, I'd wager it's coming from Google as well - search as the interface to finding and then paying for stuff. It's about time, in my humble opinion. Imagine when Google oneboxes (ie adds results automatically like they do with Local) Google Print, for example, or audio, or video....when nearly every search suggests something that can be purchased. Why, it's a veritable ecommerce nightmare for Amazon and eBay. No wonder they are so into search...... [John Battelle's Searchblog]
7:37:50 AM    

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