Updated: 11/27/09; 8:44:26 AM.
The Mediaburn Radio Weblog
"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Tribute to Bob Moog
Robert Moog. Robert Moog has passed away after battling a brain tumor for several months. There aren't any news stories up yet, but simply key his name into Google and it's plain to see his influence on every aspect of music. The family has a caringbridge page filled with tributes and several journal entries. [MetaFilter]
9:32:14 PM    

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Technolotics Podcast #4
New Podcast - Technolotics. Technolotics is an irreverent and humourous look at technology, politics and the media; from two Irish students. -Subscribe here [ipodder News]
9:58:55 AM    

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My Name Is Mr. Bali Hai, and I Am An Ephemeraholic.

As I mentioned previously, I'm planning to adorn the top of my new bar with a decoupage of Tiki and lounge imagery. To that end, Mrs. Bali Hai and I spent several hours at our local antique mall this morning digging through massive folders of ephemera, looking for ads, postcards, cocktail napkins, drink menus, coasters...anything with a tropical, stylish flair.

It was hard work, but we came away with a whole bunch of really cool stuff. I thought it would be a good idea to scan some of the groovier items before they wind up under a thick layer of clear epoxy, so I'm proud to present a new feature here on the Goof, Ephemeraholic, a collection of classic drinking-related images for the nostalgic barfly.

Enjoy [hic!]

[Eye of the Goof]
9:14:21 AM    

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Jeremy Pepper on Daily Eats
Heaven is Pizza and Wine. My cousin Neil - a great cousin, a great painter - has a theory on heaven. When he was in college, heaven was pizza and beer. Now as he's older, it's pizza and wine. I have to agree, although I'm not a beer drinker, and not much of a wine drinker. Last time I was in New York, my cousin took me to heaven on Earth: Otto Pizzeria. Part of the Mario Batali empire, Otto has an amazing wine list, some By (Jeremy). [Daily Eats - Food Lovers Unite!]
9:06:16 AM    

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