Cinema Minima: Per Diem - The Meaning of the News
The trend in news publication: Analysis more than facts. How the Wall Street Journal has changed - and what it means for news publications such as Cinema Minima
The Wall Street Journal has changed the format and the content of its newspaper (hardcopy) edition. It has changed the content of its online (World Wide Web) edition. It has changed the relationship between its newspaper and its Web site - and between those and its readers.
The newspaper component of the Wall Street Journal will emphasize analysis. The newspaper has removed much of its purely "informational" content - tables and data - to its Web site. Its Web site will also emphasize "breaking news."
This change came from market research - from talking to the newspaper's readers. They demanded that the newspaper explain the meaning of the news, rather than simply reporting facts. [Cinema Minima: Per Diem]
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