Updated: 9/11/06; 7:41:27 AM.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Joel Makower's blog report on the WRI conference in San Francsico last week -- Eradicating Poverty Through Profit -- generated substantial discussion on Liberal Street Fighter.

'Bottom of the Pyramid,' a powerful meme promulgated by management profs CK Prahalad, Stuart Hart and no doubt others, suggests that there's a potentially powerful economic engine waiting to be unleashed by bringing appropriately scaled goods and services to the world's poor -- who though their individual incomes (a few dollars a day) are shockingly low, represent a substantial 'addressable market' since their numbers (some four billion) are so schockingly high.

Makower: What's equally impressive is that the BOP movement -- and I think you can safely call it a movement -- unlike the environmental or corporate social responsibility movements, has flourished on a purely voluntary basis. There are no regulatory mandates and few activist campaigns that have pressured companies to join in. Largely as a result, thereâo[dot accent]s a sense of excitement, born of the rapid, organic growth that has brought all of these souls together to share their discoveries, experiences, and successes. Also noteworthy is how companies operating in the BOP arena can find themselves not just in new markets, but in new businesses.

Sample comment (this from Madman In The Marketplace): This sounds like an interesting development, but but I can't help but be suspicious of some of those companies listed, especially the Oil & Chemical companies. Iâo[dot accent]d be concerned that they are driven solely by the need to expand their markets, and get cover for any damage they may be doing to third world environments. However, it could also be a positive trend.

(Who also notes, in an example of yet another marketplace innovation: There was an interesting story on Marketplace as I was riding into work this morning about a hedge fund aimed at Coke, seeking to pressure the company to improve its practices by driving down its stock....Profits from the fund would be distributed to the 'victims of Coke'....)

11:02:51 AM    comment []  trackback []

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