Updated: 9/11/06; 7:43:00 AM.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

[WorldChanging]: The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today announced it is gearing up for its groundbreaking Feb. 23 en banc to address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions by identifying best practices for all PUC regulated companies (electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, and transportation). The first meeting of the project will be Wednesday, February 23, in San Francisco.

Should be interesting -- especially to see how they dance the necessary dance between being too platitudinous and too prescriptive. I'm going to try to be there. Anyone else?
11:46:52 AM    comment []  trackback []

Enviropundit]: LEED 2004 Roundup

I was thinking along the same lines as Qui Baoxing, vice minister of construction for the People's Republic of China:

Human need for living space evolves through four phases: shelter, comfortable buildings, healthy buildings, and green buildings. While the first uses little or no energy, the second and third have high energy consumption. [There is a] need to design green buildings with high levels of energy efficiency and renewable energy, recycled materials, and harmony between people and nature.

(According to Bill McDonough, interviewed in Sustainable Industries Journal, China needs to build 400 million [ million!] housing units over the next dozen years. 'That's the largest migration ever.')
10:56:35 AM    comment []  trackback []

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