Updated: 9/11/06; 7:43:04 AM.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Miniature Earth is a fine (and multi-lingual) flash animation renderingny Allysson Lucca of Donella Meadows' 'If the earth were a village of 1000 people...' essay. It's worth revisiting -- often enough to stay attuned to the social reality of this planet home.

1:24:13 PM    comment []  trackback []

Graines de Changement est une agence d'information qui a pour mission de partir en quête des 'entrepreneurs du meilleur', ceux qui se sont donné pour rôle de transformer positivement leur société, leur entreprise, leur vie. Nous produisons ou co-produisons pour cela, seuls ou avec nos partenaires, des livres, des conférences, des dossiers ou suppléments pour la presse ou encore des programmes de télévision...

Seeds of Change is an information
agency whose beginning mission is the quest for 'social entrepreneurs,' those who have taken on the role of positively transforming their society, their company, their life.  We produce or co-produce, for that purpose, alone or with our partners, books, conferences, articles and supplements for the press, television programs...

Haven't had a chance to look into their work yet, but their site is stylin'...

1:05:56 PM    comment []  trackback []

Thanks to being listed as one of 'Les Blogs qu'on aime' at QuotidienDurable.com, I've discovered another ally, there on the other side of the pond. Some of the same perspectives, from a different perspective. (I guess I should follow the trail of my referer links more often!)

12:51:24 PM    comment []  trackback []

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