Wednesday, September 18, 2002

I agree!

Charles Miller writes:
"Then, I suddenly realised. Wow, I've finally found an interesting application for Javaspaces. Create a Tuple Space. Every time you post a blog entry, you put it into the space, along with a bunch of linking objects that point to any other URL you referenced in your post. Clients could traverse the conversations in the space, ask for event notifications if a new reference is made to a post, et. al. Leasing would ensure the space culled conversations that nobody was referring to any more."

A Community Server is a TupleSpace.

11:25:18 AM    

What if the Radio Community Server were down for a day?

Yea, maybe I'm a little stuck on this subject, Weblog Community Servers (WCSs) and all. But there's something interesting here.

So what if the RCS were down? Today it'd probably be no real big deal. Sure, you'd miss your referer counts and would have to go somewhere else to find recent web log updates - so what. Now fast-forward a year or two. Will a WCS become an important part of the web log community? I bet it will.

To be able to do the kind of interesting things you hear people talking about concerning blogs such as: rating, ranking, comments, filtering, categorization, etc... I think you need a WCS and many of them.

A group of WCSs could add value to the stream of weblogs that might pass through it. Letting users know when updates are made, filtering and forwarding weblogs to another specialized WCS that might focus on a category by keeping weblogs related to it's interests and throwing away the rest. Or letting a community know when a java blog or single entry (that I don't usually subscribe to) has been added or updated. So I can subscribe to a subject not a specific blog. I'm sure there's much more.

But we can't do all this with one WCS, especially one tied to a vendor and product So here's what I think:

  1. A WCS will play an important part in the future of blogs
  2. A web log client should be able to connect to many WCSs at a time
  3. You must have many Weblog Community Servers available on the internet. ( imagine 1 mail server in the world )
  4. A WCS must have an open,standard, interface

Okay, I'll shutup now.

10:20:32 AM