Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 1/12/2002; 4:01:11 AM.


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Monday, 25 November 2002

Charles De Gaulle. "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?" [Quotes of the Day] [[ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]]

With a lot of cheese knives?
10:07:48 PM    

Eclipse plugins

Java Spider Update.

Erich Gamma has updated the site, such that you can now install the plugin using Eclipse's install perspective.  Use the site bookmark: and you should be up and running.  From what I see, it's a tool that helps you visually browse instances while debugging, here's a screenshot:

How to use it effecively? Well hopefully the duo will write something called "Debug Infected".



Must give that a push.
10:07:24 PM    

Tech Blogs Anonymous

Tech Observer, Kenneth Hunt's weblog. Also you might want to read Tech Observer, Kenneth Hunt's weblog if you're interested in SVG, Python, classification and other tech stuff. RSS available, of course. [Nothing and Some More]

Cool. Another blog. :-) (Which reminds me, I should go and confirm I am addicted to the entire collection. Tomorrow. Honest.)
10:03:09 PM    


Remedial literacy
 I just shelved about a thousand pounds of books, including many I've been missing for years. There's something both reassuring and stimulating about a wall filled floor to ceiling with books. As a blurry background off to my left, they make me feel like I know more, somehow.
[Doc Searls Weblog]

I am missing my books. They are all boxed at the ex's mums place. And I can't bring them home because my dad is about to sell and move to Queensland. Hooboy. I miss 'em.
9:43:59 PM    

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blogchalk: Brett/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Carlingford and speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection.
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