Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 13/07/2003; 8:40:52 PM.


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Tuesday, 8 July 2003

Bookmarks ahoy:
3:55:46 PM    

Like Clover? Check out JCoverage.

Like Clover, JCoverage is a code coverage analyzer for Java. "Instrument" your code with either of these tools, run your unit test suite (really, execute the code in any way), and one can generate a report on what was executed (lines, methods, branches, etc.), and more importantly, what wasn't.

Unlike Clover:

  • JCoverage is GPL'ed
  • JCoverage instruments the byte code (via BCEL) rather than the source, which seems substantially faster, at least under casual observation.
  • JCoverage is clever enough to not instrument select lines--lines that invoke log4j for example--which means that logging calls don't pollute your coverage metrics, whether or not you run the test suite with logging on.
  • JCoverage can generate a complete, parsable coverage report in XML from which you can render custom reports or derived statistics.
  • JCoverage includes custom Ant tags for instrumentation, reporting and even asserting levels of coverage at a fine grained level.
  • JCoverage makes it easy to merge coverage databases across several runs--for unit and functional tests, for example, or to create a single report for independently built components. (Of course, given the XML report, it may be tedious but shouldn't be difficult to do this sort of merge on "manually" either.)

With JCoverage, I think I'll need to reconsider my position that coverage analysis may be too slow to execute with every continuous integration build.

[Rod Waldhoff's Weblog]

3:22:07 PM    

Configurable computing

Must take a geek at the two languages on Carlos' Languages to Describe Software Architecture post. Piccola looks particularly interesting.
3:06:53 PM    

Pure Java AWT

Thanks to Luke Reeves for reminding me about the PJA Toolkit.
3:01:21 PM    


Haystack, the universal information client. Errr, help. This is looking very much like what I need, but wrapping it up in a client side only app is not going to work.

Mind you, after five years of writing web apps, I can honestly understand why they went with a client side app. Writing web apps is a PITA.

Anyways, I must read the papers, the docs, and download this sucker.
2:52:06 PM    

Swing Facade

Buoy UI toolkit. The Buoy UI toolkit provides, in the words of the author, A much simpler, cleaner, and more consistent APIA better mechanism for laying out interface componentsA far more powerful event handling mechanism, which is based on dynamic binding of arbitrary... [Blue Sky On Mars]

It is actually a Facade, not a Wrapper. Sometimes I wish people would read up on patterns before misusing the terms. But anyways, it looks good. The event system reminds me of TrollTech's QT for some reason...
9:22:15 AM    

Thinking about flexibility

Here is a bunch of links that seem to go together:

I'm still contemplating all of the above. It is interesting, thought provoking, and stuff. I just can't quite figure out how to make it all fly yet.
12:29:07 AM    

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