Best Practices and Web services Profiles. This tutorial examines some of the architectural (high-level) and implementation (low-level) best practices for building Web services. We will examine the following topics, tools, and techniques: WS-I Profiles and Scenarios; Which SOAP model to use; The importance of WSDL and where it fits; Where a UDDI registry is very useful; Planning for maintenance and extensibility; The best ways to access a Web service from a JSP, Servlet and EJB; When SOAP caching is appropriate.
Learn from your customers for usable Web apps. Of course you want more customers landing on your site! How do you get and keep them? By asking them to tell you what they want. Usability consultant Paul Englefield discusses how valuable users are when it comes to designing and evaluating your site.
Parsing, indexing, and searching XML with Digester and Lucene. Java developers can use the SAX interface to parse XML documents, but this process is rather complex. Digester and Lucene, two open source projects from the Apache Foundation, will cut down your development time for projects in which you'll manipulate XML. Lucene developer Otis Gospodnetic shows you how its done in this article, with example code that you can compile and run.
Java programming dynamics, Part 2: Introducing Reflection. Reflection gives your code access to internal information for classes loaded into the JVM and allows you to write code that works with classes selected during execution, not in the source code. This makes reflection a great tool for building flexible applications. But watch out -- if used inappropriately, reflection can be costly. In Part 2 of his series on Java platform internals, software consultant Dennis Sosnoski provides both an introduction to using reflection and a look at some of the costs involved. You'll also find out how the Java reflection API lets you hook into objects at runtime. Don't miss Part 1,
Classes and class loading.
Integrating ActiveX controls into SWT applications. With the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), you can develop a stand-alone Java application that feels and operates like a native application. If you've spent any time developing Java client-side applications for Windows, you've probably wanted to integrate some native Windows components into your applications. SWT, part of the developing Eclipse Project, fulfills this need by providing a way to easily leverage and integrate ActiveX controls within a stand-alone SWT application.
[developerWorks featured content] [Dwight Shih: Development]
Request of the week, someone tell me how to use Gecko Runtime Environment inside SWT... :-)
8:12:48 AM