Malcolm Gladwell has a nice piece on McKinsey and recent trends in corporate culture in the current issue of the New Yorker. Read it and think about your own company and its management. Perhaps it is note always productive to empower on hyper-competitives who can't work with others or build stable organizations.
At the moment I'm using a computer with a RISC (reduced instruction set computing) CPU. One of the minds behind the idea, John Cocke, sadly left us this week. I have been to a few of his lectures and this is clearly a five sigma personality. A tip of the hat to Jim for pointing this out.
For those of you who read yesterday's note on Etymotic earpieces and had to wipe my drool of the page, I note that I broke down and ordered a set of ER-6s (the low cost version). It is clearly a small operation and they were extremely helpful. I'll give an update in a week or so.
The recent Copyright Office ruling on online music is forcing the suspension of several venerable streams. KPIG just threw in the towel
I'm not going to get into it now, but I do point out that the rulings lately have heavily influenced by the RIAA and other members of the recording industry. I can't say that I think the current ruling is fair.
Internet radio stations are becoming rarer by the day. Most of you know about Shoutcast, but there are a few listings that pick up slightly more obscure stations. I have mined a few from.
My favorite mp3 streaming stations? Here is what is what I regularly use in iTunes: (perhaps the most innovative station in North America) (Fernando - I suspect you will like this one)
The Prairie Home Companion is something that I've been with for over twenty years now. It may not be your cup of tea, but they augment their live broadcasts with live images every 15 seconds. Live video would ruin the show as story telling is best done in the mind. The show is on vacation until the Fall, but PHC fans will find a lot to like.
There are several other great stations that have rather lame steaming capabilities. Chief among them is WNYC
And finally - the National Public Radio site is an amazing archive of shows. Their archives are low quality, but are sufficient for the spoken word. This is one of the most interesting and useful places on the web.
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