Diablogue at socialcode.net - Not sure how to describe it yet, but the byline says "Group blog about social code, internet governance, digital copyright, and other topics." Thoughtful. Features discussions of the "accountable net" - a topic I wish I knew more about.
Does this push us towards blandness? Maybe I should make
an effort to counter the trend and celebrate "la différence". Dunno,
perhaps throw in a post in French. (funny, rhymes with "throw in a
monkey wrench" ;-)
And speaking of French, I'm going to be a contributor to the new ConstellationW3 French language group blog on "la
société du savoir, son économie et l’impact des TI" - the knowledge
society, its economy, and the impact of IT. (If you've been following Seb's Open Research for a while, you may recall I gave a talk at the last ConstellationW3 meeting. This group blog was started by the people who organized the event.)
(Si vous êtes curieux, voici un peu de contexte: les réponses aux questions Pourquoi? et Qui?)
Update: a more precise statement would be "email, the way it is used today, is where knowledge goes to die." - don't miss Chris's counterpoint in the comments.