Chi Lib Rocks! : Chicago Libraries Rock! This blog is a service of the Chicago Library System, for its member libraries and librarians. Please send comments, press releases, etc. to:
Teri Ross Embrey, Chicago Library System, For a detailed discussion of topics and items mentioned in the blog, check out our online community, CLS Online.
The Government Documents Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL GD-SIS) announced that it will grant $400 to a student currently enrolled in an ALA accredited library and information studies master's program so that the student may attend the AALL Annual Meeting & Conference held July 12-16, 2003 in Seattle, Washington. The deadline for APPLICATIONS is APRIL 30, 2003.
1:57:08 PM
Willing and Able Matrixes for zILLANE Study:
FOR CLS MEMBERS: If your library hasn't sent back its Willing & Able Matrix for the follow-up to the zILLANE study, please do so today.