Chi Lib Rocks! : Chicago Libraries Rock! This blog is a service of the Chicago Multitype Library System (CMLS). Please send comments, press releases, etc. to:
Yvonne Riley, CMLS, For a detailed discussion of topics and items mentioned in the blog, visit our online community, CMLS Online.
This is our blogchalk: United States, Illinois, Chicago, downtown, English, Libraries, Books, Technology, Librarianship, Information Science.
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Fifth Annual Web-Wise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World, to be held March 3-5 in Chicago. The conference is sponsored annually by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and is co-hosted this year by the University of Illinois at Chicago. This year's theme is "Sharing Digital Resources." Sessions will focus on the different meanings and implications of "sharing" in the digital environment-from technical issues of interoperability to the formation of new partnerships to reach larger audiences. We will also highlight a number of innovative digital projects both in plenary sessions and in demonstrations during long breaks that provide opportunities for conversation and networking. The target audience is all those involved in the creation and use of digital resources, including library, museum, archives and public media professionals, systems scientists and educators.
I hope very much that you can attend the Web-Wise Conference this year. The agenda and registration information are posted on the conference Web site at
A limited number of sleeping rooms have been reserved at the InterContinental Hotel. The group rate is $129.00 per night + tax in the main building or $154.00 per night + tax in the historic tower. The current tax rate on overnight accommodations is 14.9%. To make a reservation, please call reservations at (800) 628-2112 or (312) 944-4100. Please be sure to mention that you are attending the Web-Wise Conference. The cut-off date for reservations is Tuesday, February 10, 2004. If you have questions, please contact Matt Burdetsky, Capital Meeting Planning, Inc. at (703) 536-4993 or We look forward to seeing you in March.