Updated: 4/6/2005; 10:36:26 PM.
house of warwick
Steve Kirks--Weblogs in business, Radio Userland, technology and people

Saturday, July 05, 2003

I couldn't resist this:


Read and remember that one day this might be you. I can't find Ron a job; I live in southwest Missouri. I took time to post this on my weblog and you can do the same. Leave me a comment with your URL--I'm always looking for new things to read
10:23:40 PM    comments []

Update webpages to show my BlogShares listing....
6:23:41 PM    comments []

I've registered a new domain name and will spend the next week making the move to a separate server for the weblog. My new host will give me stats that Userland won't. I think it's time for Userland to make some changes in how their hosted service works. I'm happy to pay for a product with good features, but after six months of using it, I'm frustrated by the poor organization of support information, no stats for your weblog (the refer page doesn't count--newbies don't get a lot of referred hits).

Make some changes soon before you lose more customers.

I'll keep everyone updated about the transition.
6:05:16 PM    comments []

Read this and come back...

I know it's just a blurb, but it makes me wonder about other bands attitudes about the iTunes Music Store. I'm predominantly an album buyer, so I use the iTMS for singles. I used it to preview the new Steely Dan album, but bought it at my local CD Warehouse for $6.99 used. Some albums I buy for the collection factor: I want liner notes. Other music (especially pop) I will only buy as singles.

I agree with the Red Hot Chili Peppers on albums vs. singles. Their recent albums are great as a "straight-thru listen" so I'll be happy to buy them as album format. I'd even consider some it from the iTMS, but I'm most likely to buy hard copy somewhere. It's not the cover art, just the liner notes, song lyrics and comments by the band.

10:12:56 AM    comments []

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