Updated: 4/6/2005; 10:36:29 PM.
house of warwick
Steve Kirks--Weblogs in business, Radio Userland, technology and people

Monday, July 07, 2003

SixApart just opened the beta testing up for TypePad.  I had signed up about a month ago and got the notice in the mail today.  I can link to it, but the NDA cautions talking about it too much.


5:04:20 PM    comments []

New site is up and running.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.

10:05:17 AM    comments []

The new domain is up and running.  I'm going to reconfigure Radio to use it for posts past this point.


I'll republish the entire site at the new location to ensure that all of the articles and links follow.

9:58:59 AM    comments []

An Open Letter Update:

I've spent most of Sunday doing more reading. I've been reading email and reading comments under the open letter. I'm pleased to say that I've learned much in a short time, especially about my perception of the severity of the issue.

From a mechanical standpoint, the change to any format will be easy. From a developer standpoint, it shouldn't require much effort. Most of all, I was reminded that the user has the ultimate power. If their favorite blogging tool doesn't support any/all of the features they need, whether it be n-echo or RSS, they'll let the developer know. Then the developer will make the capital market decision that they've always made: change to meet the needs of the consumer.

Thanks again to all who participated.  I will still contribute to Sam Ruby's wiki. I will continue to write things here about the user's perspective and the business owner's standpoint about the technology. I hope you've all found the letter useful.


8:18:33 AM    comments []

Here's a post with NetNewsWire 1.4a1, Brent's new version using WebKit. Thanks for busting this out so quick--no problems yet.
12:20:40 AM    comments []

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