Thursday, July 10, 2003 |
I'm considering purchasing a Handspring Treo 270 w/T-mobile service. I'm looking for opinions, reviews--anything from real users. If you have an alternative, let me know.
I've got a Visor Pro now and love it, but I'm also carrying a Nokia 8260 (AT&T) on my hip. I can't sync contacts and phone numbers on the cell phone with my laptop at work or my TiBook at home.
10:54:45 AM
Here's an interesting comment from Ed:
Chris Lydon digs theintellectual energy of the blogosphere: The adrenal elite is here.
The dynamism sensed by Chris is a key to the power of weblogs. Traditional media is static, bound by brand and convention even when put online or broadcast on TV and radio. Weblogs are dynamic not just as oft-updated personal pages, but as peer-edited components in a constant conversation.
The "adrenal elite" comment resonates with me. I've been trying to put my finger on why I've been having so much fun lately. It's the thrill of being on the edge of a trend, going places and doing things that no one else is doing or understands. I love the look on my family and friends faces when I say, "I have a weblog." Then I get to unload all of the cool geek info that's bottled up inside me.
8:15:22 AM
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