Book Reviews
![]() Scientists horrified by Bush's Bad Science: "UCS issued a previous complaint in February with 62 signatures but has amassed over 4,000 signatures for its latest report released this month. The signers include 48 Nobel laureates, 62 National Medal of Science recipients and 127 members of the National Academy of Sciences." [The Register]
![]() Paranoid locking coffee cup: "The LockCup is an Israeli-invented coffee-cup that is only liquid-tight when a locking pin is inserted -- no more sharing microbes with the office cup-thief." [Boing Boing] I don't think anyone I know would like to use such a cup, but I wouldn't be suprised if this thing will become a bestseller nevertheless.
![]() Do the facts in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 hold water? Check for yourself at Fahrenheit 911 factchecks. [via Kottke and Boing Boing]
![]() How to upgrade to a new Mac: "The new Mac OS X Setup Assistant lets you upgrade to a new Mac from another Mac OS X machine." Pity that this software is (for now) only available for the new G5 PowerMac systems. This solution would be ideal for upgrading my iBook and PowerBook. So far every upgrade has been a bit of a hassle, because transferring all necessary files from the old system without overwriting the new things has demanded a lot of attention to details. But I'm not making my upgrade in a hurry. Autumn would be the right time to upgrade my iBook, and Spring to upgrade the PowerBook. Perhaps a PowerBook G5 will be available then.
![]() Hi-Fi Research Leads To Better Beer: "In the early 1990s, Philips developed a technology to enhance the sound quality of audio tapes. As tapes were dethroned by CDs, Philips didn't have any use for this technology. But now, a small Dutch company [...] is using it to develop micro filters. And these filters are currently used by Dutch brewer Bavaria to remove yeast residues from its beers." [Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends]
![]() iPod popularity may put a damper on copy-protected CDs: "For the first time in the US, a copy-protected music CD has hit #1 on the charts. However, some consumers are complaining that they can't rip the tracks to their iPods." [Ars Technica] So far I not run into a cd which I couldn't rip into my iPod. I even ripped a copy-protected disk by Anastacia without trouble. But this may be due to the fact I'm using an iBook, not a PC.