Book Reviews
![]() The other reason we have the web: "Other than amusing animations, the web was given to us that we might post cat pictures. (I picture Tim Berners Lee getting his liver plucked out by an eagle daily for that one.)" [Anil Dash]
![]() Methodologies: "I had a discussion this week about an organization that tries to solve every new problem with a process. (No, not IBM). It was about people hiding their incompetence behind new ways of filling out paper." [vowe dot net] To the point! Organizations try to use methodologies to lessen the impact of missing competence, but this approach rarely works. Most often the results are terrible. What about developing those competences first, then solving the problems? This approach makes the needed resources visible and may appear to be more expensive, which is why the "process" or "planning" approach is so popular. You don't need to understand the problem in question the make plans.
![]() Finding hidden invaders in a Hawaiian rain forest: "By applying novel measurement techniques from a high-altitude aircraft, scientists detected two species of invading plants that are changing the ecology of rain forest near the Kilauea Volcano in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park" [Biology News]
![]() What Is Legitimate Press?: "Former journalist and now Jupiter analyst Joe Wilcox has taken a long hard look at the ruling that Think Secret, AppleInsider and PowerPage are not protected by California's journalist shield law..." [Technovia]
![]() Ouch - mobile phone virus spreads via MMS: "[A] mobile phone virus [...] appears to be the first one that replicates via MMS messages." [Technovia]