Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, March 30, 2005

[Item Permalink] Promoting Python -- Comment()
I submitted a three-page article on programming in Python to a Finnish IT magazine. I have previously written a couple of articles on Python, but these were for university researchers.

The new article was written for the novice programmer, but the text contains some advanced material also. I hope I was able to illustrate the power of Python. At least I managed to learn a couple of new things about Python while writing the article.

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MicroRNA Is a Big Topic in Bio: "Researchers are devoting considerable resources of late to microRNA, a tiny component of the human genome that can stifle the production of proteins. Scientists say the gene regulator could play a role in treating a range of diseases." [Wired News]

[Item Permalink] Additional book reviews -- Comment()
I published here four new book reviews (in Finnish): These appeared originally in the Tietoyhteys magazine (1/2005).

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Ming the Mechanic writes about Patented Mind Control:
Via Kim, a list of U.S. government patents from Illuminati News. Patents for a variety of technologies obviously meant to control your behavior. The links go to the actual patent records with the Patent and Trademark Office.
  • Patent 3,951,134 - Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
  • Patent 4,717,343 - Method of Changing Person's Behavior
  • ...