Book Reviews
![]() Apple CEO Steve Jobs Again Gets $1 Salary for 2004: "Steve Jobs, chief executive of Apple Computer Inc., was again paid $1 in salary and received no stock options or restricted stock for the company's fiscal 2004, a regulatory filing showed on Tuesday."
![]() Music, Music Everywhere: "With the news that Toyota is launching a record label, I guess we can officially say that the music industry has gone completely random." [Anil Dash]
![]() Metcalfe's Law Refuted: "Cnet News reports on a powerful refutation of Metcalfe's Law (that the value of a network goes up with n^2 in the number of members). The academic paper is available at Southwest Missouri State University. Basically, the thesis is that not all the links in a network are equally valuable, so Metcalfe's argument that everyone can connect to everyone (n(n-1)/2 links, roughly n^2) is irrelevant. The authors propose nlog(n) instead, a much smaller increase."