Book Reviews
![]() Searching for Intelligence in Edinburgh: "Last week the top researchers in Artificial Intelligence (AI) gathered in Edinburgh to analyse the state of their subject. The topics under discussion ranged from robotic exoskeletons, to what tool-using crows can teach us about our own brains." [The Register]
![]() Can Apple Make the Switch? "The computer maker's move to Intel chips may force Mac fans to replace applications designed for IBM chips, or opt for performance-clogging emulation." [Wired News]
![]() I'm waiting impatiently for a new iBook G4 ordered from AppleStore last week. I chose the 12 inch model with 1 GB of memory and 80 GB of hard disk. WLAN and Bluetooth are included. I feel this is a nice replacement for my 600 MHz iBook which is now almost four years old and showing the age. The iBook G4 includes Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) and iLife '05, which I was thinking of getting in any case. Now I'm debating whether to get a scanner for converting my old 35 mm negatives and hardcopy photos into digital versions. My current choice is CanoScan 5200F, which seems to produce good-quality scans and can scan several frames at once.
![]() Bloglines Citations Bookmarklet: "For those who like to track conversations on the Web, one incredibly useful tool is Bloglines Citations. Seb Paquet has whipped up a bookmarklet that makes viewing links to a page you're looking at much easier...." [Technovia] Nice tool, and works even with OmniWeb on Mac OS X.
![]() Open letter to Kansas school board: "Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster." (See also Wikipedia.)