Updated: 24.11.2002; 16:51:42 Uhr.
lies, laws, legal research, crime and the internet

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Return to Sender -- 55,000 Times. Rogue e-mail sent in the name of pro-Palestinian activists overloads inboxes and stirs up bad feelings among those united for a common cause. Question is, who's to blame? By Noah Shachtman. [Wired News]
23:57 #

Anti-Spam Haiku. The ever inventive minds of Silicon Valley have invoked poetry and the law in the war against spam. Habeas, a Palo Alto company, created [Netsurfer Digest]
2:58 #

Mac Evangelist Cracks Computers, is Thrown in Jail [Megarad Technologies]
2:55 #

The Hacking Syndrome [Megarad Technologies - Ultimate in Underground Technology News]
2:51 #

Striking back against Hackers attacking you?. "Striking back against a computer that is attacking you may be illegal under United States law, but a security researcher... [Geek News Central]
2:49 #

DOD-Hacker fasst 33 Monate Gef...ngnis. MIT - Der 24-j...hrige Hacker Christopher Tresco aus Massachusetts muss wegen der Mitgliedschaft in der Hack... [Newsbyte.ch]
2:48 #

Internet Crackdown Planned in Vietnam. Vietnamese authorities have announced plans to crack down on people using the Internet to obtain "poisonous and harmful" information such as pornography or anti-government data. [Dr. Dobb's]
2:45 #

Bush-Regierung diskutiert Ma§nahmen gegen Cyberattacken. Die US-Regierung will bis September ein Konzept erstellen, das Abwehrma§nahmen gegen Angriffe [florin]ber das Internet regelt. Dabei hat der zust...ndigen Sicherheitsberater Richard Clarke nicht nur Terrororganisationen wie "Al-Qaida" im Visier, berichtet die US-Zeitung "Washington Post". [ComputerWoche: Nachrichten]
2:33 #

Ed Felten replies to AAP's Allan Adler over DMCA threats [Politech]
2:32 #

A European Big Brother?. The European Parliament, mirroring moves by governments across Europe, is planning to allow greater police access to a resident's personal data in the name of fighting terrorism. Civil rights advocates are up in arms. [DW-WORLD.DE]
2:31 #

AAP's Allan Adler replies: "DMCA critics have missed the boat!" [Politech]
2:31 #

How to track people using electronic surveillance -- a Fed guide [Politech]
2:31 #

Mittwoch, 01.05.2002: Welchem Zweck dient die Gewalt in Computerspielen?. Eine aktuelle Studie zur Wirkung und Nutzung von Gewalt in Computerspielen sieht keine generelle Gef...hrdung, hei§t es in dem Telepolis-Artikel Brutale Spiele(r)?. [kriTLog]
2:31 #

FBI Raids Firm After Hacking Claim. The FBI raided the offices of a consulting firm after a newspaper trumpeted the company's claims that it found security loopholes in U.S. military computers.
[AP Tech News]
1:42 #

Maximillian Dornseif, 2002.
August 2002
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