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Christmas Cruise Report

Just completed our quasi-traditional Christmas light cruise.  In the northwest quadrant of Greensboro, here are the results:

Best Light Show - 3 homes clustered together on Westridge just west of The Village Tavern.  A must see in the real spirit of the old Trail of Peace.

Runner up to Best Light Show - Entrance and first homes of Quaker Run off Horse Pen Creek just North of St. Paul's Church.

Best Neighborhood Spirit - Christmas Eve Luminaries around Cascade Park area.

Comment of the evening from Max, "I just don't get these polar bears."  (That does seem to be the big new product hit out of China this season.)

9:42:07 PM      comment []

Lack of Brains Disease (revisited)

"The animal was one of 20 slaughtered Dec. 9 at Vern's Moses Lake Meat Co. in Moses Lake, Wash. All 10,410 pounds of beef from those carcasses have been recalled in "an abundance of caution," Veneman said. The Agriculture Department said there was an extremely low likelihood that the recalled meat could have the mad cow protein."

Guess its OK to have our sukiyaki beef dinner for our Christmas eve meal tonight.

Editor's note: Just back from a roller blade jaunt along the Lake Brandt Greenway.  Have to report that all storm sewers along the city water supply tributary, Horse Pen Creek, smell like raw sewage.  I can say this without emotion since our house is still 100 yards outside the city limits and nearest water main.  (Our well water tastes good enough to sell for $1/bottle -- if that would cover all the permits we would need.)

6:16:46 PM      comment []

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