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Stop the FTAA

Stop the FTAA

Right on time as promised, the JBS has launched the campaign to save American sovereignty ---- STOP THE FTAA .  In the debate surrounding the attempt at forming this trade cartel, I've been advising people the following: "Stop using the 'F' word." The facade word Free is only a mask for the chicanery behind the sell job being put on us by the same Orwellian propaganda team that brought us the word Patriot in the legislative act that created the Office of Homeland Security. 

If you feel a need to use the words instead of just the letters for this scam, I recommend translating the "F" as meaning FeudalFeudal Trade Area of the Americas is a far more accurate description of the economic system desired by those promoting the FTAA plan.

11:06:08 PM      comment []

RSS Feeds

Seeing that two of my favorite sites Antiwar.com and yahoo.com recentely added RSS feeds to their sites,  I figured it was time to start using the News feature in this Radioland blog.  Here is the first news feed that popped up:

Destroying Their "Utopia" in Order to Save It. Light blogging this week—sorry—but this story was too good to pass up. I guess the Israeli government has run out of Peruvian Native Americans to import for demographic padding, because now they’re shipping in “lost tribes” from India. "This is my land," said Mr. [Sharon] Palian, a 45-year-old widower who left a lush rice farm and brought his three children with him from the Bnei Menashe community in northeastern India. "I am coming home." Yet by making their home... [Antiwar.com Blog]

10:11:32 PM      comment []

The Road To Serfdom

Woke up on the first dawn of 2004 and walked immediately down the hall for a session in my private reading room.  Picking up a book tucked away in a drawer that I had finished reading almost a year ago, it fell open to these words

"Some security is essential if freedom is to be preserved, because most men are willing to bear the risk which freedom inevitably involves only so long as that risk in not too great.  But while this is a truth of which we must never lose sight, nothing is more fatal than the present fashion among intellectual leaders of extolling security at the expense of freedom.  It is essential that we should re-learn frankly to face the fact freedom can be had only at a price and that as individuals we must be prepared to make severe material sacrifices to preserve our liberty.  If we want to retain this, we must regain the convictions on which the rule of liberty in the Anglo-Saxon countries has been based and which Benjamin Franklin expressed in a phrase, applicable to us in our lives as individuals no less than as nations: Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Those were the ending lines of chapter 9 of F.A. Hayek's  Road to Serfdom published 60 years ago in 1944.  Chapter 10 Why the Worst Get on Top opens with this quote:

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"  --- LORD ACTON

The third paragraph of the chapter then goes on:

"No doubt an American or English 'Fascist' system would greatly differ from the Italian or German models; no doubt, if the transition were effected without violence, we might expect to get a better type of leader.  And, if I had to live under a Fascist system, I have no doubt that I would rather live under one run by an Englishman or Americans than under one run by anybody else.  Yet all this does not mean that, judged on our present standards, our Fascist system would in the end prove so very different or much less intolerable than its prototypes."

This piece of reading while riding myself of the last of 2003 was how I celebrated my new year under code orange.

11:05:19 AM      comment []

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