Monday, July 21, 2003

John Robb is back....

comment [] 8:11:18 PM    

WSJ Notes

Friday's editorial page contained a tribute to the power of blogs (The Blog Shall Make You Free).  Most notable: "... the blogging phenomenon shows that human freedom and expression will not be denied, and that technology will only continue to make the job of dictators that much harder."  Inspiring..

Finished chapter 2 of the Ben Franklin biography.  Central to the chapter was Franklin's entry into the printing business.  Funny, the conversations Frankling began thru his press resemble those found in the blog world today.   The printing press gave individuals a voice to speak with authority (as do blogs).  Thus he challenged authority (the church) and proved common wisdom wrong.

A noted political columnist recently told me he thinks he was blogging years ago and didn't know it.  My response - "Blogging is a state of mind - not a technology."

Today's paper continues a series on workers in the US workforce "left behind" due to economic shifts.  It's a great piece -- highly recommended.

I wonder if we can make policy evolve quick enough to find an answer.


comment [] 2:24:25 PM    

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