Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Blog Politic

Frank Field points to a Dvorak column discussing the Conyers-Berman bill.  More importantly, Dvorak thinks the blog community may be more effective than other online political efforts when it comes to influencing debate.  Donna Wentworth provides additional food for thought in response to Dvorak's link to her site.  The John Hiler articles are very good reading (see Wentworth).

comment [] 5:48:48 PM    

RSS explained

Winer points to a piece by Paul Stacey which explains the power of RSS.  There are some really good links which help explain "what is under the hood" regarding RSS.  Especially useful is a Stephen Downes piece entitled "RSS for Educational Designers".

comment [] 5:32:21 PM    

VOIP has gotten the FBI's attention.

Read the story (which follows) where the FBI wants the FCC to use its rule making ability to expand surveillance/wire tap rules so the FBI can force ISP's to allow easier monitoring of VOIP activity.  (link)

comment [] 10:06:51 AM    

From Frist to grist...

RIAA Picks a New Chief. The recording industry chooses a new CEO to replace Hilary Rosen. Mitch Bainwol, former chief of staff to Sen. Bill Frist, will take the reins in September. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]

comment [] 9:51:09 AM    

Getting your head around the web.

Firmage hits the nail on the head when he says:

You need simpler and more powerful navigation of the Internet. You need to find a way to help people get their heads around the Web. You need a medium in which the quality of information can be ascertained. Education will not happen unless there's a way for parents, teachers and students to distinguish garbage from high-quality stuff.

Joe Firmage: "What we are trying to build here is the PBS of the Web." [Scripting News]

The next generation of web stuff is gonna be fun!

comment [] 9:25:13 AM    

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