Thursday, July 24, 2003

No standards

Let met get this straight -- Ashcroft defended CIPA as necessary to protect the children -- but, we don't have to set any standard for performance -- no guarantee the children will be protected!  Please....

Libraries get a break on Net filters. The FCC gives libraries an extra year to comply with a controversial law that says if they accept federal funds, they must install Internet filtering software. [CNET]

comment [] 9:12:26 PM    



Doc’s essay on saving the net – wow, some really good thinking here.


Scanned through BuzzMachine and read his narrative regarding the exchange with a Harvard editor on a piece he wrote about blogging.  The culture clash between old vs new is made crystal clear.


Another study on electronic voting.  Is this more chicken little stuff?  Hmm..  NYT has a piece and Gillmor is pointing to it all.


Wonder what government would be like if government googled?  I mean, if employees were allowed to work without the hierarchy (hmm… the definition of bureaucracy might change) would we see a more efficient government? Imagine if public hearings had the same wireless connections discussed in this piece about connectivity and conferences – wouldn’t those hearings be more productive, informative, entertaining?

comment [] 9:31:48 AM    

Great Essay

by Doc Searls.  Gotta read.  Think. "Saving the Net" [Daypop Top 40]

comment [] 8:30:11 AM    

Google and Self-esteem

Here's a new twist on teen confidence -- ability to search the web.  This story is from England -- but the link to is worth a read.

teens trouble with web. According to a report from Northumbria University, most teenagers lack the information gathering skills needed for using the internet efficiently. This sounds like it shouldn't be happening in america! If you're an edcucator, check out Peter Ford's Schoolblogs. [via mediajunk] [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

comment [] 8:17:13 AM    

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