There is a lot of talk these days about making our systems of data and transaction interoperable. In layman's terms this just means that our systems understand each other. The URI helps, because it gives us a handel to refer to the same thing; once we have a URI for something, we already have the handel we need for systems to understand that thing.
But what is the process by which we get URI ?
Sure people can just declare them ... here let me show you ... here is a URI for God. Now you going to use it to refer to God from now on? I don't think so. On the other hand here is a URI for the concept of type. A lot of poeple, who know how to do this sort of thing, already use this URI to refer from an instance to it's class. The W3C has given us this URI throuh a long and arduous process. Are we to expect the W3C to continue to give us all the words we need? I don't think so.
We get URI from communities that use them.
This was not supposed to be published ... i though it would not be published if i didn't click publish with it in the text edit box .. oh well, now I need to complete my though here.
i'll get to it some day ... for now I'll just make the link point to where I ran my mouth about it in the #rdfig chat room.
9:59:05 AM