Adam's Mile High Blog
Adam Swansen's Radio Weblog
Monday, December 30, 2002


Someone informs me that if I sleep more then maybe I would stop misplacing things (i.e. hairbrush) I am off to try some of this sleep stuff.

2:04:25 AM    comment []

Even though you are so far,
I can dream of where you are.
When I look up to the sky,
I can see into your eyes.
I will stare off into space,
And there I'll see your shining face.
Then I look upon the ground,
Even there, too, you are found.

It matters not what I do,
All my thoughts are of you.

2:01:39 AM    comment []


You are amazing. You continue to teach me things everyday. You make me comfortable. You are awesome. You are what I want. You are what I have been looking for. You take my breathe away. You make me smile. You are beauty. You continue to give. (Did I say that you were amazing?)

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for you and what you do for me.

I can only hope that I can begin to do for you what you do for me every minute of every day.

1:58:20 AM    comment []


I just downloaded Musicmatch and converted my entire library (3,000+ songs) over to it. Hopefully it's a little more functional then Windows Media Player.

1:52:29 AM    comment []


Copyright © 2000-2002 Inc. All rights reserved.

About a stones throw from where I used to live and work. One of the joys of being a socalsurfer; Lower Trestles. Big memories of surfing in my first PSTA event here in April of last year. Big days here with Billy Davidson surfing from Lowers all the way down to Churches. Nothing like paddling out here on a huge day and ending up on the rocks! (Happened more then once) Also having to cut the fence to sneak through the state park so we didn't have to walk all the way around.

Now if I could only learn how to snowboard!

12:41:55 AM    comment []

OK....I am going to go with this one for the moment. After confusing the Userland server for a good 30 minutes trying different themes out this is the one that I settled on because this is one of the few where you can see the comments. Does anyone know why with the other themes in Radio why the comments won't come up? Anyone? Anyone.....little help here.
12:34:12 AM    comment []

Something is going on over on Jenn's Blog she's blogging about baby midget elephants, earpieces and something about hairbrushes. One must sit and ponder what the correlation is here. Is there a greater meaning in all of this?


Perhaps this is some inside story that none of us are meant to know about. We all may be on the outside of some secret plot or maybe just some silly joke shared between friends. Who those that do know, please enlighten us! I sure would like to know.

12:03:59 AM    comment []

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Last Update: 1/1/2003; 9:10:50 PM

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