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 Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Neurowarfare:  The Battlefield has Shifted

"Tactical high energy lasers have the capacity to change the face of the battlefield," said Army Lt. Gen. Joseph Cosumano, head of the U.S. missile defense command today.  Does he understand that the battlefield that really matters has shifted.  Where is the research and tests on stopping human bombs?  Wake up.

6:19:23 PM    comment []  

Emotional Control: Aging and Depression

The dysfunction and death of neurons in the brain are considered to account for deterioration in the quality of daily life in the aged.  This seems particularly true since the number of dopaminergic neurons (nerve cells that use dopamine as a neurotransmitter substance) decrease according to age (some estimates put the decrease at up to 10% per decade after the age of 45) play an important role in emotional regulation.  This lends credence to a recent study that older people are more emotional than younger individuals, albeit with more outward control due to their experiences with more emotional situations.  In light of the findings, older people who are depressed may experience the disease more intensely than their younger counterparts.  Doctors should be aware that their older patients might need a stronger dose of medication than that required to effectively treat their younger patients, even though elderly patients may say they are not depressed.

11:09:11 AM    comment []