Updated: 3/2/2006; 3:49:50 PM

 Wednesday, February 26, 2003
"Law and Blogging in Las Workplace"
From Paul's Boutique:  "Those who regularly read this blog and/or know me well have more than likely heard me complain about my long-time essay on blogging and employment law. . . . I have completed and posted my submitted-for-publication version of the essay.   While it might be pretentious and unnecessarily legal and long, I think bloggers might find this worthwhile reading if they like their jobs."  This is an extremely well-written and well-sourced article, entitled "Did You Just Say That?: Blogging and Employment Law in Conflict," by second-year Columbia Law student Paul Gutman.  Interesting stuff.  Among other things, he suggests that bloggers might need a disclaimer to protect themselves from adverse employment actions.  It seems that some employers are taking issue with the content of their employees' personal blogs -- and sending out pink slips because of it.

12:37:04 AM