Updated: 01/05/2003; 17:01:53.
Andrew Stopford's Weblog
Info and thoughts on .NET, Rotor, Mono, PHP and Flash MX

This is the personal BLOG of Andrew Stopford. All comments and views made here are my own and not in any way related to my employer.

24 April 2003

"Other" CEOs. - [Jesse Ezell Blog]

"Borland's president and CEO, Dale Fuller, describes his company as the Switzerland of software development. He is molding the company's products to interoperate with a broad variety of platforms and to bridge the gap between Java and .Net."
ZDNET Webcast]

CEOs generally aren't very technical people, but this is still interesting stuff if you are wondering about Borland's plans for the future.

Its funny but Macromedia was once described (pre Alliare interestingly) as the "Switzerland" of software. Borland are really getting into serving both Java and .NET camps and proving that it can be done.

8:58:28 AM    comment []

Corfield/Ezell Heavyweight Bout: - via JD on MX

In this corner, in the purple trunks... Sean Corfield and Jesse Ezell square off on MX vs .NET. I'm not sure there's a debate here myself... finding the best tool for the job usually depends on the particular job in mind. Anyway, they have a couple of entries going back and forth over a few days... lots of text, could be a 15-rounder... I'll be waiting for the 30-second highlights on Sports Center, myself... ;-)

I have been following (and on occasion commenting) on this debate. I have found the debate has gotten off the subject a little bit but Jesse has posted a summary of his thoughts (and Sean is yet to comment).

To be honest I don't think that MX and .NET should be compared or contrasted but rather the greater sum of the parts should be looked at to see how the two can work togther.  I do think that the next step for MX should be to see how it can fit into other studio enviroments so that gap between developers/designers be reduced.

My personal view is that MX could enjoy a closer relationship with .NET, true enough Dreamweaver has ASP.NET support and there is Flash Remoting for .NET but a lot more could be done for example, CFMX running on the CLR and a umanaged component for the Flash Player. Prehaps going a little further showing what can be done with .NET as they have with J2EE (a .NET version of CFMX would help this), promoting .NET as an application platfrom as much they do J2EE.

To be honest I think Macromedia could do with some .NET pros to help promote .NET in the Macromedia space and as Macromedia increase its product range for .NET those products in the .NET space.....hmmm a dream job ;-)

8:45:39 AM    comment []

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