Monday, July 14, 2003

Even thought is was apparently broken on arrival, and he'll have to wait on a replacement, I am still jealous of Rael's receipt of a SLIMP3 player. As much as I want it for listening to music, I am really looking forward to use it as a little ubiquitous computing device for visual and audio alerts. (See these third-party software projects for some idea of what I'm thinking of.)
comment []  trackback []  5:33:52 PM    

Got this link from the Google News link at the top of the results for the standard Google search for "weapons of mass destruction".
comment []  trackback []  5:21:40 PM    

Sam Kaine just sent me these two fun Google hacks.

  1. Go to
  2. Type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction"
  3. Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google search"  button
  4. READ what appears to be a normal error  message carefully

Try the same thing with the phrase "french military victories".
comment []  trackback []  3:15:11 PM