Tuesday, August 5, 2003

I've mentioned the SLIMP3 a number of times on this blog, e.g. here and here. (I regret to report that I still haven't bought one, though I still plan to.) It seems that Martin Fowler has been turned on to the SLIMP3 as well, and he has actually bought one.
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Unfortunately, Bill Clinton's discussion was "off the record" so I can't blog it, but it was the most intelligent, moving and inspirational presentation I've ever heard. I almost cried afterwards. He's absolutely amazing.

PS : I took notes so if anyone is interested, iChat me. ;-)

[Joi Ito's Web]

Wish Joi had published his iChat ID, but I guess that is the point of the ;-). Oh well, mine is coty if Joi would feel more comfortable going that way.
comment []  trackback []  4:33:00 PM    

Introvertster beta is up!
Via Xeni on boing boing

[Joi Ito's Web]

Clearly a joke, but some of the features seem useful, e.g. [a]void invites to chat, etc.
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Got an invitation to LinkedIn from my friend Rob at Digital Envoy. I've seen some of the chatter regarding sites like this, e.g. Friendster and Ryze, but I hadn't taken the time to look into them at all. Now that I'm involved in a startup, this sort of thing holds a bit more interest for me. In fact, it also interests me because I think we will be managing a similar reputation/trust network within our extended organization.

There is lots of background on LinkedIn on Joi Ito's weblog. I was surprised to find Joi three degrees away in my network. I was not as surprised to find that he is the most connected member of my network with 332 connections at last count. Joi is followed by Reid Hoffman with 291. Reid's comments on Joi's weblog are worth reading to find out why you can't search outside your network, why there aren't pictures, and that LinkedIn isn't billing--yet. I plan to read more of Reid's posts and think more about this. Perhaps he'll explain why I can't view the links among the members of my network. That is what I'd really like to see.

Oh, by the way, it wasn't clear what would happen when I invited a person a few degrees away to be a direct connection. Turns out that the reasonable thing happens, and the system seems to recognize that they already exist as a user and just move them closer.
comment []  trackback []  4:09:00 PM