Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Though I STILL haven't bought a SLIMP3 device, I have used the server to stream music from time to time. I was thinking that some sort of software emulator would be a nice thing to have, too, and I found this one while poking around on Feedster. It is missing at major feature, though--it doesn't actually play music. Kind of fun to play with, though, and the source is there.
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According to this ComputerWorld article, Microsoft has dramatically improved security--by no longer handing out maps to their corporate campus. The article goes on to quote Jonathan Perera senior director in Microsoft's security business unit bemoaning the fact that "45% to 48% of Windows servers in the world are running Windows NT 4.0," which he points out was released in 1996 and designed in 1993-94. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing most OS vendors have similar issues. I'd suggest patches or pricing to encourage upgrades. (You could add compelling features, too, but that seems unlikely.) Oh, yeah, and fix your crappy e-mail client.

P.S. What is the "Microsoft Loves Macs" blurb inset at the bottom of this article? This whole thing comes off like a Microsoft commercial.
comment []  trackback []  11:24:19 AM