Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Walking in ATL, really, but "ATL" doesn't fit the constraints of the original Missing Persons song. Anyway, every now and then I walk somewhere around here, and I always have an 80s flashback thanks to the Missing Persons classic "Walking in LA".

Yesterday I was walking to the eye doctor and saw someone driving in a smart cabrio. I wish I could have asked him how he got it. I'm thinking about getting something more appropriate for my in-town driving patterns. I've been thinking about going with the new Toyota Prius. It looks pretty cool--much cooler than the prior model. It has a Bluetooth speaker phone, which is cool, too. I like the smart cars, too, but they aren't available in the U.S., as far as I know. This little electric number looks interesting, too, but its narrowness is a bit unnerving, and it isn't really in production. What I'd really love to see is something combining the Tango's performance with the Mini's design (and performance.)

P.S. Between the official new Toyota Prius site and the Mini site, I have to say I am amazed at how much effort companies are willing to put into giving up the inherent usability of the standard web browsing experience. Please stop.
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I meant to blog this a while back, and it just took me forever digging it back up via Google. I couldn't remember the name of the feature, and I spent all kinds of time before I hit the search that led me to this link to this project to load Mozilla-style sidebars in Firebird. Thankfully, it mentioned web panels, which is the new Firebird feature that I was searching for.

So, anyway, another Google search got me to what I think might be the original post that I saw a while back. For all my Googling, I still haven't been able to turn up a lot of info. I guess I'll have to download a nightly and play around. Ben Goodger does have this general description. While I think that XUL-based mini-apps in web panels (e.g., the Post to MT web panel) are cool and a great long term opportunity, what I'm really interested in is the page holder feature. This was something I loved in IE5/Mac. The "View Links" feature in OmniWeb is similar but not as slick, IMO.

I'm really happy with Safari/WebCore on MacOS, and I understand the decision to use it rather than Gecko. However, I am a little envious of the capabilities that Gecko-based browsers have via XUL. I need to go back and look at Dave Hyatt's comments from around the time of the big uproar and see whether he had anything to say regarding XUL and Safari/WebCore. I don't know whether it would ever make sense to add XUL in.
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