Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I'm sure everyone figured that out already. It is a shame, but, with access to the source, it can almost certainly be fixed. I wish the same could be said for Oddpost. It is an impressive DHTML app., too, but it is closed. (I ran across Oddpost via this Dan Gillmor article.)
comment []  trackback []  6:10:46 PM    

Scoble pointed to these (three, apparently) guys and their truly impressive (IMHO) product. It is a web-based collaboration server with one of the slickest DHTML interfaces I've seen. It is apparently Open Source, but ASP-based for now--which means it runs only on Windows. (They mention the possibility of running on Linux via ChiliSoft, but I think that would take a bit of effort.) However, they are planning to port to PHP, which should eliminate that restriction. (I'm not a huge fan of PHP [I'm really digging Python/Zope, these days.], but I can see where it offers a much more straightforward mapping from ASP.)

I am really blown away by the breadth of functionality that these guys have built, and excited by the possibilities that open sourcing and porting opens up. It is the closest thing I've seen to a real Outlook competitor. (I think they guys at Convea see things similarly, as their catch phrase is "Where Do You Want to Go Tomorrow?".)

Try the demo to see what I mean or download and try it out on your own system. I found it to be a relatively straightforward install. I had to download and install MySQL and the ODBC driver separately, but that was easy enough. Don't forget to download and install the updated convea.dll. It will save you the trouble of dealing with this error. I'm still working through problems with creating new user directories, but I've worked around it by copying the administrator directory as a template.
comment []  trackback []  3:51:03 PM