mardi 2 mars 2004

Plone and Google

Alan just told me that, thanks to Randy Meech, Plone is now a Google keyword. Thus, doing a search for Plone no longer helpfully suggests a correction to Phone. :^)
5:30:39 PM   comment []   

More Plone Stats

Hmm, 14M hits in one month on The fact that the previous month was 6M made me a bit suspicious. That's a big jump. But I analyzed the daily totals and nothing looked suspicious.

Update: the Jan report started on Jan 20.

Since stopped collecting site traffic a year ago (egads, why) it is hard to compare. But at that point, was getting around 6M hits/month and growing around 10% per month. Thus, my guess is that is significantly more popular than And it is run by volunteers, which is really cool, so a big congrats.
5:22:33 PM   comment []