vendredi 12 mars 2004

ZopeMag Weekly News #13

Mark Pratt announced the 23rd edition of the ZopeMag weekly news, a follow-on to the abandoned Zope Weekly News effort.
2:03:40 PM   comment []   

CPS 3 released

Stefane Fermigier announced that CPS 3 is now out. Workspace, portlets, versioning, schemas...yummy! Congrats, Nuxeo.
2:01:56 PM   comment []   

Open Source Business Case

Another link from Scott Paley at Abstract Edge. This is a nice update to the original article explaining the business case. Digital Creations (now Zope Corp) are cited, as is my diary article about the business decision. Funny, they call it eloquent, I think of it as scatterbrained. :^)

Joking aside, I have met quite a few people that said that this business diary thing I wrote, way back when, was their first contact with the world of Zope. I guess there are two contradicting lessons to learn from it. First, be careful what you say, as it can have a bigger impact than expected. However, don't be too careful, as you won't say anything evocative that people remember.
1:55:05 PM   comment []