Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Wednesday, June 04, 2003

"How can I follow Dive Into BC4J using an RSS news reader?"

Of course you can visit "Dive Into BC4J" in your browser, but that means you have to remember to browse here periodically to see what's changed. Like all weblogs, Dive Into BC4J publishes its updates using an XML format called RSS (Really Simple Syndication) which allows for a smarter way to follow this site. This xml.com article called What do I do with an RSS feed? explains the basics of how you can use an RSS news reader to subscribe to weblogs like this one, and have the updates be brought automatically to your desktop instead of having to remember to check in from time to time. Clicking on the icon in the right margin will show you what this RSS xml file looks like. To subscribe to this site, copy the URL to my RSS file, and give it to your RSS reader when you subscribe to a new news feed.

4:45:13 PM    

"I updated my application module class to extend from a custom superclass, how come BC4J keeps changing the extends clause back to inherit from ApplicationModuleImpl?"

As I try to describe in the Customizing the Framework Behavior section of the BC4J Toy Store whitepaper, one of the biggest benefits of using a framework is that you can extend it. If you build framework extension classes to customize the base ApplicationModuleImpl, ViewObjectImpl, ViewRowImpl, and EntityImpl implementations, then you can tell JDeveloper that you want to use these customized base classes instead of the default ones. However, if you change the default base class of your BC4J components by just editing the extends clause in your Java file, you won't have properly saved this custom base class in the BC4J's component metadata. Instead of just hand-editing the file, visit the "Java" tab in the component editor and click on the (Extends) button. In the dialog that will appear, indicate your preferred base classes. Once saved as part of the components definition, then all BC4J code generation will properly remember your custom base class settings.

You can indicate a permanent change to the defaults BC4J will use by selecting Tools | Preferences... and visiting the Business Components | Base Classes panel. In JDev 9.0.4 and beyond, these preferences can also be set on a per-project level as well.

2:01:12 PM    

"How can I write XML from one or more related view objects?"

This is a common question, on which hopefully this quick article with downloadable example will shed some light. It's quite easy using the built-in API's provided by the BC4J framework. 

11:50:37 AM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.