Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Saturday, May 31, 2003

"I know that having clients work with interfaces is the right way to go. But how do I expose custom functionality as methods to the client that aren't already on the oracle.jbo.* client interfaces?"

The methods on the *Impl.java class which do not appear in the oracle.jbo.* interface are only available to code written inside that and other *Impl.java classes. This is your middle-tier code. If you want to expose some additional capability to the client, we give you a nice way to do that. You can expose custom methods to the client on your AM, VO, or VO Row classes which get automatically added to a custom interface for you, allowing the client to still stick with clean interfaces only.

If you deploy three tier, BC4J generates the client side proxies for you automatically creates you a client project to contain them. You can easily deploy these client proxy classes to a JAR file. Your client just continues to work witht the interfaces and the rest is handled for you. Your only responsibility is to make sure the client proxies *.class files (in the JAR you deployed from the client project) are in the client's classpath. You don't need to understand what's in those files, just make sure that they are around so BC4J can engage them as needed.

3:26:51 PM    

I need to download and play with JGoodies. A customer asked me about this the other day, and my answer was, "If it's based on Swing, it should work out of the box with our JClient data binding facilities to build rich-client applications with highly-polished look and feel." As soon as I get out from under the JavaOne crunch, I'll try to build an example that proves my gut feeling above is more than just a feeling.

2:52:45 PM    

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