Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Friday, May 30, 2003

Customers frequently suggest improvements to the JDeveloper 9.0.3 Help System. We've listened to all your suggestions and in JDeveloper 9.0.5 will deliver a new, tightly-integrated Help system. This screen shot snippet illustrates that the help system is integrated into the environment as a dockable window, and shows how Help system content like the "About BC4J..." topic, appears directly as an IDE window alongside other Java, HTML, or other files you are working on (in a read-only, browse-enabled window). Much, much more easy to use than what's there now.

New Seamless Help System Integration
3:20:10 PM    

"Why is the 'Use Update Batching?' checkbox on my Entity Object's Tuning Panel disabled?"

One of the following reasons must be true in order to disqualify your entity object from being able to use our batching functionality. If one or more of your attributes is:

  1. Of type Blob or Clob

    We don't support batch DML with streaming datatypes.

  2. Marked as Retrieve-on-Insert or Retrieve-on-Update

    There isn't a method to bulk-return all of the trigger-assigned values in a single round trip, so retrieve-on-insert/update attributes don't "mix" with bulk DML.

  3. Is of type ROWID

    If your table did not have a primary key and you reverse-engineered an entity object from that table, we will create a ROWID-valued attribute for you and it will be made the primary key. By default, the ROWID value is managed as a retrieve-on-insert style of value, so it is disqualified by the rule above.

So, in order to use batch DML, you need to nominate some other attribute type as the primary key, none of the attributes can be retrieve-on-insert/update, and none can be streaming types.

2:42:28 PM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.